Legal Notice


Thank you for visiting our website. This disclaimer is intended to regulate Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy of the web page, owned by C. Colomer and Associated Lawyers. By accessing our website or applications you expressly and comprehensively agree to these Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Cookies Policies, governing the processing of the data you provide us. Please, read them carefully. By accessing our website, applications or services, you declare that you are an adult person and legally capable of acting in accordance with your national law.


BASIC INFORMATION: Identification details of the owner of the website and its applications are as follows: C. Colomer, certified Lawyer, 12040 Valence´s Illustrious Lawyers Bar (ICAV), with registered office at Archiduque Carlos Street, 23, 15, 46018, Valence, Spain. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers hold intellectual property rights and any other rights related to this website (the “website”) and its applications (“applications”) or services (“services”). Data Subject, user or Users’ (the “Data subject”, “User” or “Users”) access and use of the website and its applications are subject to these terms of use (“Terms of Use”). By accessing this website, the Data subject or user expressly agrees to these Terms of Use, which may be amended or replaced by its owner at any time without prior notice. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. Accessing the Website and/or its applications, or using the materials therein, indicates that you have read and accept without reservation these Terms of Use. Any user that disagrees with all or part of these Terms of Use should not use our website and its applications. Should you have any queries, you may contact us by telephone (+34) 600 406 043 or by e-mail using the address:


The following Terms of Use govern the purpose of the website and its applications and how it is used and accessed. Through this website, the user may access information on specific legal products and legal services, real estate tools and other applications. The User undertakes to make appropriate use of the accessible content, services, applications and tools, subject to the law, these Terms of Use and any special conditions which may be established for access to certain products, services and applications. In the event of total or partial breach by the user of these Terms of Use, C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers reserves the right to deny access to the user without prior notice.
Liability and claims: C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers do not guarantee continuous access to our website. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers keep the right to interrupt access to the website and its applications, without giving notice, for technical, security, control, maintenance or any other reason. We are not liable for (i) harm deriving from interference, omission, interruptions, viruses, malfunction, or disconnection in the operation of Users’ electronic system or IT devices and equipment, due to causes beyond our control, which prevent or delay navigation through the website or its applications; (ii) delays or blocked use caused by problems or overloads on the internet or in other electronic systems; or (iii) the impossibility of providing the service or allowing access for reasons beyond our control, caused by the User, third parties, or unforeseeable circumstances. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers do not guarantee the absence of viruses or other damaging elements that could harm or alter systems, electronic documents or files. Therefore, C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers are not liable for any harm or loss those elements might cause. However, C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers declare that it has taken and will take, if necessary, all the measures required, based on its capability and the state of technology, to guarantee proper operation of the website and its applications, avoiding presence and transference of viruses and other harmful elements. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers are not liable for Users’ use of the content of the website and its applications that might entail a breach of any national or international legislation, intellectual or industrial property rights, or any other third-party rights. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers are not liable for any errors or omissions in the content of the website and its applications or other content that can be accessed through them. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers are not liable for any harm derived from using the website or its applications, or for any action carried out based on the information provided in them.
Intellectual and industrial property rights: This website and all its applications (including information, texts, data, images, designs, source code, software, trademarks, navigation structures, databases, and any other content) are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, exclusively owned by C.Colomer & Associated Lawyers. The user is liable to use the contents diligently and correctly in accordance with the law, public morality and public order. C.Colomer & Associated Lawyers permits the user to display contents or make a temporary private copy solely for personal use. The user is not permitted to distribute, amend, transfer or publicly disclose the information contained in this website in any manner for any purpose. The user must not fully or partially transform, modify or reproduce this information, unless it is allowed by law or with written authorization from C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers. These Terms of Use do not grant intellectual or industrial property rights, such as copyright, trademarks, designs, or other rights, over the applications or over any of their elements, except for the limited license for use granted to Users to use the applications under the conditions established in these terms.
Third-party links: These Terms of Use apply only to C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers´s website, its applications and contents, and not to third-party links, websites, or applications accessed through them, or any other third-party service. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers can not control the information, content, products or services provided by third parties that have established links to the website, and access to them through the website or its applications does not imply that C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers approve their content. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers will not take on any liability deriving from them. To establish links to our website it will be necessary to obtain prior written consent from C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers. We will immediately withdraw any link when the content it leads to may breach national or international law, or go against morality or public order.
Information on data protection: C. Colomer & Associated Lawyer will protect Data subject and Users’ personal data and will only use them to the extent permitted by law or with Users’ prior consent. For further information, check our personal data processing policy in the Privacy Policy.
Legislation and jurisdiction: Access to our website and its applications entails the User’s acceptance of the provisions in these Terms of Use. If you disagree with these Terms of Use, please do not use this website and its applications. Any dispute arising from them will be governed by Spanish law and submited to the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Valence (Spain).