Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY (Version 2024)

Information about data controller: C. Colomer, certified Lawyer, 12040 Valence´s Illustrious Lawyers Bar (ICAV), with registered office at Archiduque Carlos Street, 23, 15, 46018, Valence, Spain. If you have any query, you may contact us by telephone (+34) 600 406 043 or by e-mail using the address:
Information about data collected: By using this website and applications, and also when communicating electronically with C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers, each user’s personal data is collected and processed subject to this Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Our purpose is to attend to consultations, queries, requests or questions to various kinds by the User or Data Subject, so users’ personal data will be collected and processed to manage their relationship with C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers, which legitimate interest is to maintain the relationship with the user and send information on legal issues. If the user requests information or certain services, the legal basis for processing this data is the Data Subject consent. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers will collect and process the user’s personal data for as long as this relationship continues and, if applicable, until the user withdraws the consent provided for data processing. When the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was originally collected, and as long as there is no contractual or legal requirement for the data to be stored, it will be deleted. If data is processed to send communications, it can be stored until the User withdraws its consent.
About data subject´s prior consent for data collected, whenever you make a consultation, query or request to C.Colomer & Associated Lawyers you need to complete a form, indicating compulsory data, and click the submit icon. If you do so you expressly acknowledge that you have read and accepted our Privacy Policy. If you do not complete all compulsory data or you do not tick indicating that you have read and accepted our Privacy Policy, you will not be allowed to submit your petition.
Following are the data collected and processed from user and Data Subject on the website and applications:
– IP address, cookies and similar technologies, data which does not permit to ascertain the user’s identity, unless the user subsequently provides additional information through other means. Legal basis for processing the IP address is the need to provide access to the website via the internet. See our Cookies Policy for further details.
– Information or subscription to legal services. The data collected will be the identification data required to manage products, investments and legal services, to perform relevant procedures, transactions or deals, and also to bill and declare correct taxes, e.g., name, surname, national identity card or passport, telephone, email, and other personal details to manage concret product, investment or legal services.
User´s Rights: The User have the right to acces, rectify, object, delete, restrict or request portability of Personal Data. Under current law, users may, at any time, exercise their rights of access, rectification or deletion of data, request that processing be restricted, oppose it or request data portability, as well as withdraw their consent, by sending written notice to C. Colomer, Archiduque Carlos, 23, 15, 48018, Valence, Spain, or by sending an email to, clearly indicating the right they wish to exercise and attaching a copy of their national identification document or similar document proving their identity. They can also file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency or other competent data protection authority.
User´s Obligations and duties: The User will be liable for any damages of any nature to C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers or any third party may incur as a consequence of the breach of any of the obligations to which the User is subject under these User´s Obligations and Duties or under Spanish legislation. By accepting our Terms of Use, the User expressly undertakes: The User agrees to (i) fulfill these Terms of Use, (ii) comply with the special warnings or instructions for use specified in them, and (iii) act according to the law in force, morality, best practices, and the requirements of good faith and public order. The User will apply due diligence and not use the website or applications in any way that could prevent, damage, or impair its proper operation or that of the assets or rights of C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers, other Users, or any third party. Specifically, and without this restricting the previous section, the User agrees to fulfill the following commitments:
a) To keep password associated with the user’s username confidential, assuming responsibility for the use of those personal and non-transferable password by third parties.
b) To provide true information about the data requested in the forms provided by C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers to access certain content or legal services offered through the website and its applications, and to keep it updated. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers reserves the right, without prejudice to other legal measures available, to withdraw, deny, or suspend access to the website and its applications if the data provided is or could be false, inaccurate, or misleading. The User is fully liable for any data or content transferred or communicated to C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers, and any harm or loss derived from its improper use.
c) Not to enter, store, or disseminate through the website or its applications any program, data, virus, code, or any other electronic or physical device that could harm them or any of the services, equipment, systems or networks of C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers, another User or third party.
d) Not to change, copy, download, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, grant licenses, lease, sell, or imitate the website or its applications, their content, or their system software.
Purpose: Our website and applications contain materials prepared by lawyers only for informative purposes. Users should keep in mind that these materials might not reflect the latest legislation or case law on the issues exposed. Our website and applications cannot be used to replace legal or other advice. Access to these materials does not imply any lawyer-client relationship, or any other professional relationship or relationship of trust between C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers and the User. Therefore, the user should not act on the basis of the information in those materials without professional advice. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers reserves the right to change, expand, reduce or update Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, at any time, as well as any information or materials that appears on the website and its applications. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers do not routinely monitor Users’ use of the website. We will only communicate with you electronically if you have provided us with your contact details to manage your investment or legal service. No automated communications will be made. We only will send you investment communications if you have expressly consent and authorised it for real investment.
Disclosure and recipients: C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers will not transfer your data to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation. Specifically, access will be provided to government and public bodies or authorities in order to meet the obligations that C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers have to comply with, mainly in the event of payment, investment or purchase. Specifically, it will be forwarded to Property Registry, banks, financial institutions and Tax Administration Spanish Agency to enable the legal service rendered or investment to be invoiced. Your data will also be transfered, when strictly necessary, to third parties to whom C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers are contractually or legally obliged to disclose this personal data to manage investments or legal services. As a Real Estate Lawyers Firm, if so required to provide our services, C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers may disclose data for the above purposes, various investments or legal services, to recipients, authorities, persons or companies directly involved in the investment or legal service. C. Colomer and Associated Lawyers always will transfer data subject previous consent and authorization. Moreover, our web development and maintenance company or hosting company will have access to our website to secure its normal work, with a service provision agreement that obliges them to maintain same level of privacy as C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers. Upon using Spanish applications, any international data transfer will be made under a Privacy Shield Agreement which guarantees that software companies based in USA fullfil European Data Protection Law and Spanish Data Protection Agency standards.
C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers do not process the personal data of children under 14. Do not provide your data if you are under that age. Unique exception could be related with family visa legal services when personal data of children under mentioned age has been given for legal services in process directly by parents of that minor. Do not provide the data of third parties under that age unless previous concrete petition of our lawyers for legal purposes with a service contract in process. C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers bears no liability for breach of this provision.
If users provide us with personal data of third parties, they must have previously informed them of its inclusion and of the contents of this Privacy Policy, and will be personally liable to C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers for any harm and loss caused in the event of breach.
The User agrees to notify C. Colomer  & Associated Lawyers of any change to the personal data provided. Any harm and loss caused to C. Colomer  & Associated Lawyers or any third parties due to the communication of erroneous, imprecise or incomplete information is the User’s sole and exclusive liability.
COMMUNICATIONS OR NOTICE OF INCIDENTS AND POTENTIAL INFRINGEMENTS: Any query or communication for purposes of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy must be send to: C. Colomer & Associated Lawyers, Archiduque Carlos Street, 23, 15, 46018, Valence, Spain or via email: If any technical incidences occur in the Website or Applications, or if any errors, inaccuracies, or unlawful content are found in any sections, please, do not hesitate to contact us.